Rotary Club of Tallinn Global is proud to support the following causes related to health and mental wellbeing:
Diabetic Alert Dogs

Hypoglycaemic children may be unable to recognise the symptoms or too weak to seek help on their own.
Diabetic Alert Dogs are trained to smell hypoglycaemia in diabetic children and summon adult assistance. As well as this potentially life-saving service, the dogs provide afflicted children with a beloved long-term companion.
The goal of the project is to create competence in training diabetes assistance dogs (hypo dogs) in Estonia in cooperation with Finnish dog trainers from Hypokoira ry. During the project, Estonian dog trainers acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to train hypo dogs, and then the training program is carried out.
As a result of the project, the are trained, to detect a change in blood sugar level by smell and alert the diabetic; they bring the necessary food/drink to raise blood sugar or alert fellow humans about a life- and health-threatening situation for the host. Hippo dog training takes place every year, you can get more information about it on the training page of our partner
Should you wish to learn more about this initiative, please contact us :
“Invisible Matters“

War traumas are invisible in 90% of cases
We wanted to give our hand of support to heal the innocent souls & hearts of Ukrainian war refugee children. So in March 2022 Rotary Club Tallinn Global has initiated the project for psychological help for children of Ukraine, which is called “Invisible matters” in partnership with Leleka MTÜ.
What it is about.
Art therapy – is a method used for treatment and psycho-correction through the different art techniques such as drawing, pottery, music, photography, books, acting classes, writing fairy tales, making dolls, sand art, etc.
The art therapy helps to overcome a wide range of problems such as psychological traumas, personal losses, crisis states, internal and interpersonal conflicts, post-stress, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders. During the art therapy sessions, patients receive an important message from their own subconscious mind.
What happens to a child at the session.
The processes which are taking place during the sessions, are invisible but they are of great importance for the children rehabilitation.
First of all, art therapy helps a child to throw out the negative internal emotions (fear, anger, irritation, intolerance, rejection of the surrounding world).
After transferring these emotions to a piece of paper, a piece of clay, into dance or into a photo, a child feels relief, and a psychologist gets the opportunity to identify problems and troubles of a little man in order to find a way to solve them.
Should you wish to learn more about this initiative, please contact us: